Our Business Policy
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Business Policy

Policy, Performance & Management Systems 


Integral BCS Ltd has created this policy for the provision of a building control service which supports customers, meets legal obligations, complies with the CICAIR Code of Conduct and the Building Control Performance Standards. Integral has a formal documented Quality Management System. 




Integral will deploy appropriately qualified and experienced staff, with competencies appropriate to the type of building control work to be undertaken.?Integral will allocate sufficient resources to the projects the company undertakes, taking into consideration its current and future workload, complexity and location of work, and changes in Building Regulations, Approved Documents and other recognised guidance.  

Integral has arrangements in place for Continuing Professional Development and training of its technical staff and the monitoring of this. In house CPD events are organised with guest speakers and staff are also encouraged to attend relevant external training events. 




Integral will undertake all statutory consultations, observing any prescribed timescales, and the results of such consultations are forwarded in writing to clients. Integral considers the desirability of undertaking additional consultations if required and cooperates as far as possible in an integrated approach to development consents. 


Pre-Application Contact and Provision of Advice 


Integral has arrangements in place for communicating with those proposing or carrying out building work before a formal application is received where this is requested or would be beneficial to the functioning of the building control process. Integral will establish a single point of contact Assignee to deal with both procedural and technical building control enquiries on individual projects. This is supported by a wider technical team (available for plan assessment, inspections and queries) to ensure continuity throughout the construction project. 


Assessment of Plans 


Where assessment of plans is undertaken, clear information will be communicated in writing to the client regarding: 

  • - compliance and non-compliance with the Building Regulations 

  • - views of statutory consultees 

  • - conditions pertaining to the approval of plans 

  • - remedies available in the event of a dispute over compliance 


Records of the plans assessment process are stored with the project details on Integral's project database. 


Communication and Records 


Integral will communicate with its clients, consultees and others in writing. All records relating to the building control service provided to individual projects are stored electronically on Integral’s project database for a minimum period of 15 years. 


Business and Professional Ethics 


Employees of Integral (and any consultants employed) will observe best practice professional standards and business ethics expected of service providers and be guided by the CICAIR Code of Conduct. Independence of the building control function will not be compromised, and Integral does not offer any associated design or support services. 


Complaints Procedure 


Integral has a published Complaints Procedure on its website. Should a client exhaust the two stage complaints process they may refer the complaint to the Registrar of the CICAIR. 

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